August 2017: Perfection: Lord Anat V Sam

Hello all, and welcome to my August blog. I have just finished writing the first draft of my third book: The Edge of Perfection. It has taken a long time and much dedication, to write but I am pleased to have finished a first version. Throughout the coming months I will be looking to re-draft it several times before I can publish it.

Today I wanted to focus on the rivalry between my main character: Sam and his enemy: Lord Anat. I have touched on this briefly in a previous blog but today, I wanted to focus on what makes them such good rivals.

The two of them are both on the hunt for perfection but they have different incentives for wanting to be perfect. Sam wants to create a better version of himself,as he wants to improve both his tennis ability and his academic ability at school. Sam is very focused, being driven to do well and wanting to impress himself.

Lord Anat is similar in some respects in that he wants to continually improve himself but will stop at nothing to achieve this. He doesn’t care for others and would hurt others in order to get what he wants: a perfect world with everyone following him. On the other hand, Sam has empathy and demonstrates, within the story, that he does care for others.

As a result, the two of them are competing over the perfect potion. My idea was to create this rivalry for them wanting the same thing for different reasons. The race for the potion is on and I wanted to build a tense battle between them as to whom will reach it first.

I also aimed to show the admirable quality of people wanting to improve themselves and their capabilities in doing so; I also wanted to show the variety of ways in which people go about this. I believe that there is always room for self-improvement but there is a limit to how far you should go, as well as a certain way in which you should go about it.

What are your thoughts on self-improvement? Or your thoughts on perfection? Or the different types of people you meet on a journey to success and how they go about it?

As always, please contact me if you wish to discuss this or have any questions. I hope that you are all having a good summer.


Jonny Pardoe

Photo by Max Ducourneau on Unsplash


Jonny Pardoe © August 2017



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