April 2019: How You Can Use Self-Education to Become Even Stronger

In today’s world there are not only billions of books out there, but also billions of sources of information both online and in our faces.

There are a lot of opinions about the school system today. I found the school system a useful means of gaining qualifications so that I could gain my first jobs. I am grateful to my schools and universities for this as these places taught me the value of hard work, in particular. However, how I have really managed to change my life and to my direction in life, is through self-education. Self-education allows you to explore areas that really appeal to you and to help you grow in an area.

Self-education allows you to really focus on what is important to you and to develop as a person. When you find your passion or an area that appeals to you, you can then educate yourself in that field. Self-education combined with action, can help you become a master in that domain.

If you don’t know what your passion or main purpose is, then self-education can actually help you find that too. There are plenty of sources of information both online and in books that can help you start to identify your passion. All you have to do these days is Google it or search for topics on Amazon.

Self-education does not just come in the form of books as I have mentioned, there are YouTube videos, online articles, Podcasts and many more forms of information. We have information which is easily accessible to us these days. So, the opportunity to self-educate and to help us develop is stronger than ever.


So, in summary, use the information which is out there to discover what your interest is and what truly matters to you. You can then educate yourself on that topic as well as taking continuous action. The simple equation: knowledge + action = you becoming stronger in an area.


Jonny Pardoe


Jonny Pardoe © April 2019



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